Prietaisų skydelio vadovas

PRIETAISŲ SKYDELIS naudojamas naujai kategorijai skiltyje "VORTOJ" sukurti.

1. Prisijunkite prie, naudodami tuos pačius prisijungimo duomenis, kuriuos turite

2. Paspauskite +' šalia Kategorijos'

3. Fill in the details of the new category: the name (Name), the description (Description), the language in which the category will be created (Select Language) and the level of vocabulary (Select Difficulty).

Paspauskite KURTI KATEGORIJĄ apatiniame dešiniajame kampe.

4. Then press the ADD QUESTION button to start adding the individual words that will be practiced in that category.

5. Kiekvieną žodį reikia papildyti keliais elementais, priklausomai nuo to, kokiam žaidimo režimui norite sukurti kategoriją.

Game modes

Krentantys žodžiai, Rašyba, Nuotykis

Naudojant šiuos režimus, būtina užpildyti laukelius:

Paveikslėlis - žodis

Šiame režime būtina užpildyti laukelius:

P.S.: Įterpti paveikslėliai turi būti laisvai naudojami (t.y. be autorinių teisių) = "royalty free pictures", CC0 ir pan.

Audio word

Šiame režime būtina užpildyti laukelius:

Gap filling

Šiame režime būtina užpildyti laukelius:

6. SAVING – Once all items have been entered, you must save everything using the ADD QUESTION button in the bottom right corner.

7. HIDDEN – VISIBLE CATEGORY – While you are still working on the given category and continuously adding it to the Dashboard, leave it “HIDDEN” – HIDE CATEGORY. After completing it, press SHOW CATEGORY so that it is visible and can be part of the game.

8. APPROVAL OF THE GAME BY THE ADMINISTRATOR – The new vocabulary category created in this way will become part of the game once it has been approved by the administrator.

9. REMOVING ERRORS – If you find that there is an error (typo) in a word in your category while playing the game, you can correct it via the Dashboard. You open your category, click on the arrow in front of the keyword and 3 icons will expand: edit the word, make a copy, delete the word. Clicking on the first icon will open all the columns where you can correct any entry of the word. Once corrected, be sure to click EDIT QUESTION in the bottom right corner to save the changes to the system (dashboard).

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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